
Feel free to contact us for any questions and doubts.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the most frequently asked questions about Chartered Professional Accountants and accounting asked by our customers with detailed answers.

At Accountant Foundry, We provide a variety of services to help your business succeed. Some of our services include; Bookkeeping, Payroll, GST, PST, WCB, Income tax consultancy, Business setup services, CRA audits, Corporate & personal tax returns, and more. Contact us to learn more!

Our tax professionals can help you navigate a CRA audit and communicate with the CRA. Book an appointment to learn more!

The cost of service depends on your specific business needs. Book your free, no-obligation consultation to learn more about pricing.

At Accountant Foundry, Our goal is to translate numbers into informed business decisions that will help grow your business. Operating a business means stress and endless amounts of work. The last thing you want to be concerned about is your company’s accounting. Allow our professionals to handle your accounting, so you can focus on growing your business.

Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) are one of the largest national accounting organizations in the world and is a respected voice in the business, government, education and non-profit sectors. As a CPA, you can expect professional services and quality advice based on over 20+ years of experience.